Craig-y-Don Sports and Community Centre, Queens Road, Llandudno LL30 1TE

Our Constitution
Address and Contact Details
c/o Craig Y Don Sports & Community Centre
Queen’s Road, Craig Y Don,
Llandudno, Conwy LL30 1TE
CONSTITUTION Version 12 –from May 1st 2024
The name of the Club shall be the CRAIG Y DON CROQUET CLUB hereinafter referred to as the Club.
The Club forms an integral part of the Craig Y Don Sports and Community Centre.
The Club is registered as a Member of Croquet England ,the NW Croquet Federation (of Croquet England), The Welsh Croquet Association and is a Community Amateur Sports Club registered with H M Revenue & Customs.
The Objectives of the Club are to appreciate and promote the amateur sport of Croquet in the Llandudno area, and to provide adequate and proper facilities for the enjoyment of the game to all wishing to participate.
The Club will assist the Sports and Community Centre in offering community participation and integration providing both a playing and social membership.
In furtherance of the objectives, the Club Management Committee hereinafter called ‘the Committee’ may exercise the following powers subject to AGM approval when necessary.
a) to recommend the annual playing membership fee, raise funds, invite and receive grants, donations and other contributions,
b) to buy or lease and maintain any equipment or materials necessary for the achievement of the objectives,
c) to buy, take on lease or in exchange, any necessary material for the achievement of the objectives and to maintain and equip it for use,
d) to invest funds for the benefit of the Club,
e) to employ such Contractors, Professional persons or paid workers as are necessary for the proper pursuit of the objectives.
f) to publish posters, articles and pamphlets and other materials in printed, recorded or electronic form and to hold intellectual property rights in any such material,
g) to organise such special events as the Committee may determine,
h) to co-operate with other organisations in the furtherance of any of the objectives or of similar purposes,
i) to do such other lawful things as are necessary for the achievement of the objectives.
The club has no power to sell lease or dispose any part of the property of the Club with the exception of consumables and lawn maintenance equipment. The Sports and Community Centre holds the lease for the playing surface from the Council as well as the title to any erected buildings on their site.
a) The playing members of the Club shall be those who pay the annual subscription agreed by the Management Committee and advised to the membership at the commencement of the playing season (April 1st). Nonplaying Social members will be invited to take part in club activities.
There is no fee for social membership but Social Members and day visitors who wish to have an occasional game of croquet will be asked to donate the suggested green fee.
b) The Club is committed to taking positive steps to promote and sustain equal opportunities amongst its committees, members, players and volunteers in the services and opportunities it provides for participation in the sport of Croquet and all matters associated with the Club. This will apply both in its internal operations and in its contacts and dealings with external organisations.
Membership of the Club will be open to anyone in the sport on application regardless of gender, marital status, sexual orientation, colour, race, ethnic origin, nationality, language, age, political and religious or other beliefs, HIV status or disability and all the statutory requirements laid down in the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, The Race Relations Act 1976, and the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, except as a necessary consequence of the requirements of croquet and the restrictions of the available facilities at the Craig Y Don.
Health and Safety of Club members, visitors to the club and interfacing general public is paramount. The croquet club and its members will follow OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) guidelines (voluntary recommendations for compliance with general workplace safety and training initiatives where standards have not been defined). Health and Safety is an agenda item on the Management meeting Agendas and regular Risk Assessments are carried out and actioned to minimise and eliminate any recognised new risks.
Overall responsibility for implementing all policies lay with the President, Club Chairman and Management Committee.
c) The Club membership will be counselled to observe and act in accordance with OSHA Guidelines and the day-to-day Risk Assessments and guidance from Club Officers detailed in Appendix 1
d) The club will adopt the Safeguarding Policy (including Child protection and Vulnerable Adults), Equality Policy, and Data Protection Policy developed by the Croquet Association. (Croquet England) These are available to view on the Association’s website (Follow the dropdown The CA—Governance—Policies).
e) If membership is refused or terminated within the playing season, members and potential members have the right to appeal to the Trustee Board
a) The affairs of the Club shall be vested in and conducted by a MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (‘the Committee’) elected annually at the Annual General Meeting, consisting of the following Office Bearers – ‘Chairman’, ‘Secretary’, ‘Treasurer’, ‘Health & Safety and Child Protection Officer’, and four other members.
b) Officers and Committee members shall retire annually but are eligible for re-election at the AGM.
c) No member shall hold more than one office.
d) The Committee shall have the power at any time to fill any vacancy occurring amongst the Office Bearers.
e) Other members can be co-opted for specific purposes as and when deemed necessary or desirable by the Committee
f) Members interested in future Committee positions, will be welcome observers at meetings without voting rights.
g) The Committee shall have the power to appoint Working Groups for specific purposes. Such groups to operate under the overall direction, financial control, and reporting, to the Committee.
h) The period of office is from the Committee election at an AGM, or later if co-opted or filling a vacancy, until the following AGM.
i) The quorum for a management meeting is four members elected at the previous AGM or substituted during the playing season after a resignation.
j)A Board of Trustees consisting of a minimum of four fee paying club playing members elected by the AGM shall serve for a five-year period
k) The current Chairperson of the Management Committee shall be the secretary to the Board of Trustees and offer continuity between the two committees
a) All the arrangements for day-to-day events and the control of finance shall be in the hands of the management Committee which is expected to meet bimonthly throughout the year and more frequently if needed during the 6 month playing season.
b) The Board of Trustees shall be the arbiter of contentious and legal issues including such matters as internal and external complaints about the club, club officers and members and the overview of Risk Assessments and the action taken to reduce or eliminate such.
The Board of Trustees will ideally be formed of fee-paying Club Playing Members who are not members of the Management Committee to maintain an acceptable level of independence and objectivity, (with the exception of the Club Chairperson, who is expected to act as secretary to the Trustee Board.) The Trustee Board, who will all receive the minutes of the management Committee Meetings, will be convened when deemed necessary by the Management Committee or by the Trustee Chair at the Chair's request. The Trustee Board has the power to examine and overturn decisions made by the Management Committee if it sees fit, especially if a decision at management level was agreed by the Chair using a casting vote, with committee members equally split.
a) The financial year shall end on 31st of March coincidental with the Craig Y Don Sports and Community Centre financial year.
b) A bank account shall be open in the name of the Club, cheques requiring two signatures from any of the named Management Committee Members.
c) The Club may receive donations, grants in aid and financial guarantees. Donations will be ‘Gift Aided’ wherever possible.
d) The income and property of the Club shall be applied solely towards promoting the objectives of the Club as set forth above and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred either directly or indirectly to any member of the Club. Payment of legitimate ‘Reasonable’ receipted expenses incurred on behalf of the Club, will be reimbursed by the treasurer to the Club Member who has personally paid the bill in advance.
e) An inspection and certification of the financial affairs of the Club shall be carried out by a financially experienced person, not a member of the Club, at the end of the Financial Year before presentation to the AGM for approval.
f)The AGM approved accounts of the Craig Y Don Croquet club are then consolidated into the accounts of the Craig Y Don Sports and Community Centre for audit purposes.
g)All surplus income or profits are to be reinvested in the club. No surpluses or assets will be distributed to members or third parties unless the club is dissolved. (see clause 8 Dissolution) h) Financial Control, Authority, and Transparency Guidelines
1:The Croquet club financial reserve to be a minimum of £1000. If this is likely to be breached, reference should be made to AGM or special meetings of members and reported to the Board of Trustees.
2:Votes on project spend not fully covered by external grants to require 2/3 (two thirds) vote in favour by fee paying members at (quorate) meetings of management committee and/or AGM. (The chairman does not have a casting vote in those circumstances}. 3:The President and Chairman can commit spend including agreeing committee member expense claims of up to
£100 without reference to the management committee.
4: The management committee can agree new, (non grant funded), project spend up to £1000 before reference to AGM or special members meeting. (Subject to 7.h2).
5: Expenses claimed by club members should be listed and made available at committee meetings. Claims above
£50 should be countersigned by Chairman or President. Expenses would normally be for costs incurred, or material ordered for the club plus for personal expenses incurred on club business. The latter would include stationery and ink cartridges, travel and subsistence costs on club business (not for playing croquet matches} and any other legitimate costs incurred. All personal claims must fit the criteria of being 'Reasonable'.
In the event of the Club being wound up, all members must be summoned in writing to an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting with at least fourteen days’ notice being given. Following the discharge of all debts and liabilities, any materials and equipment specific to playing croquet at the time of dissolution, shall become the property of The UK Croquet Association, North West Federation (the sport's governing body) for use by them in Community related Sports, whilst any fixed building assets remaining shall become the property of the Craig y Don Sports and Community Centre (Charity number 1085790) for use by them in Community related Sports. The CYDS&CC hold the property lease from the local council. There will be no general distribution of any assets to the membership of the Club.
a) An Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be convened by circular and agenda giving 14 days notice of the meeting to be held within two months of the close of the financial year.
b) A SPECIAL MEETING of members may be called by the Committee or by a requisition signed by not less than a third of the paid-up playing members of the Club. At least 7 days notice to be given. The business to be transacted at the SPECIAL MEETING shall be detailed in the notice convening the meeting. 50% of the current paid up playing members shall form a quorum at a Special Meeting.
c) The Committee shall meet on a regular basis, which is expected to be bi-monthly throughout the year and more frequently if needed during the 6-month playing season. Meetings may be convened by the Chair person, Secretary, Treasurer or Trustee Board, but normally by Management Committee decision at the end of the previous meeting. Four members shall form a Quorum. The agreed meeting minutes will be available for inspection by all members, posted on the noticeboard in the clubhouse.
d) At all meetings, in the event of an equality of votes, the Chairperson shall have a second, casting vote, and his/her ruling on all points of order shall be final at that moment but subject to Trustee scrutiny in due course.
a) The Chairperson (The Chair) will be offered a Trustee/Board Membership of the Craig Y Don Sports and Community Centre representing the Club as an individual, not a mandated club officer, along with the previous retired Chair if he/she wishes to retain that directorship and remains on the Croquet Management Committee. Should either decline the offer it should be offered to other Croquet Management Meeting members.
The Chair will represent the Club as a representative at the NW Croquet Federation of Club along with the previous retired Chair if he/she wishes to retain that role.
The Chair will 'chair' the Committee and AGM.
The Chair (or Committee decision} will delegate responsibility to 'front' other meetings and events, to a chosen Club member who may be co-opted for that purpose onto the Management Committee.
b) The Health and Safety and Child Protection Officer shall be responsible for keeping up to date with legislation and advice, annual briefings to new and existing members and for ensuring members brief their own playing guests on our Club H&S requirements, to extend our insurance protection. Players who deviate from the Club H&S policy risk taking a personal share of responsibility should an unfortunate incident occur. This Officer is also responsible for keeping the first aid kit full of contents 'in date' as necessary. In addition, the Officer should frequently inspect the accident book and bring all cases of near misses or actual incidents to the Management Committee meeting for further risk assessment and possible action to reduce and eliminate the risk in future. Actual incidents/accidents should be communicated to the Trustees ASAP.
c) The Secretary shall convene meetings of the Club and its Committee and maintain a record of the proceedings at all such meetings. The Secretary shall deal with the general correspondence of the Club, keep all papers and other records of the Club in a retrievable form and perform all other necessary secretarial services in the interest of the Club.
d) The Treasurer shall keep the Club cheque book, receive, disperse, and account for all monies due to, or payable by the Club. The Account Book shall be open at all reasonable times to the Committee who shall be entitled to request an interim statement of account at its meetings. The Treasurer will reimburse the payment of legitimate receipted 'Reasonable' expenses to members incurred on behalf of the Club. The Treasurer will prepare annual club accounts for inspection in April the following year.
The constitution may be amended by a vote at an Annual General Meeting with at least 2/3rd of the fee-paying members present at the AGM in favour.
Any proposed changes to the constitution must be put in writing and submitted to the Secretary at least 7 days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
(A copy of an amended Constitution highlighting the changes must be sent through CASC vetting to maintain CASC status. In the unlikely event of that review being negative, the club will revert to the former acceptable Constitution.)
Appendix 1
1. Scope
This document contains the guidance and procedures that Craig-y-Don Croquet Club has introduced to meet the legal requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act, food hygiene* requirements and the possibility of serious health issues such as COVID** from time to time and will ensure that it complies fully with any requirements of the public health authorities.
It contains:
a. CYD Croquet Club's Health and Safety Policy Statement including the organisation for Health and Safety Management at the Croquet Club
b. A Risk Register which identifies a wide range of hazards associated with the activities of the Club (Appendix 1).
c. Risk Assessments for the hazards identified in the Risk Register (Appendix 2).
​2. Organisation for Health and Safety
The ultimate responsibility for health and safety lies with the Croquet Management Committee. The Committee is responsible for the day-to-day supervision and the preparation/review of Risk Assessments. A Management Committee Member is designated as the Health and Safety Officer.
A Health and Safety File containing all necessary procedures and documents will be produced and made available within the new Croquet Clubhouse filing system. (This system to be instigated post construction of said clubhouse; Plans were approved by Conwy Council February 2024).*****
Included will be:-
a. The CCTC Health and Safety policy statement signed by the Club Chairman.
b. The Risk Register and Assessments of those Risks.
c. Procedures/Guidance on:
i. Electrical equipment.
ii. Emergency guidance and procedures.
iii. Accident/Incident reporting form.
iv. A First aid kit is provided in the clubhouse
v. Following an accident, if the patient is able to drive, or wishes to be taken by a club member, they should be advised that Llandudno Hospital (5 mins drive away) is open for minor injuries from 8.00am-10.00pm 7 days a week. If the patient is not able to move an emergency call must be made on 999 and the defibrillator applied if required.
vi. Members may request that an emergency phone number of a local relative/friend be listed on the notice board and rung in the case of their incapacitation.
vii. A Maintenance Register be produced which will act as a log of all maintenance work carried out following reports of potential risks. .
viii. Any other appropriate document or procedure. Includes Covid-19 rules and regulations in real time**.
3. Risk Assessment Policy
Craig-y-Don Croquet Club will carry out a full annual risk assessment of the facility with a view to highlighting potential hazards and taking the appropriate action wherever necessary to ensure a safe and enjoyable environment.
The Health and Safety Officer (HSO) is responsible for reporting to the Management Committee on such issues. If a member/user wishes to report a hazard or potential hazard, they should contact the HSO.
The HSO is also responsible that the First Aid kit****- is in good order with contents in date following an annual check and that the accident book**** is available at all times.
Equipment and site maintenance will be an item on the agenda for each Committee meeting. Any issues raised plus the appropriate action taken, will be listed in the minutes.
Risk assessments will include the following for consideration:
a. Are surroundings safe and free from obstacles?
b. Are the courts and any other area fit and appropriate for the activity?
c. Is the equipment fit and sound for activity and suitable for age ability?
d. Are contact details available for partners eg next of kin? Members have a choice of whether their emergency numbers are listed in the clubhouse or not. If the emergency services are deployed, they will carry out their own contact system.
e. Are players appropriately attired for the activity?
f. Is a working telephone available with access to emergency numbers?
g. Do volunteers and members have access to information relating to health and safety including the availability of the First Aid kit and Defibrillator***-?
h. Are emergency procedures published and accessible?
4. Review
This document will be reviewed annually.
5. Emergency Contacts for club issues.
Roy Haley:- 01492 546797 or mob 07495404807
John Hannah:- 01492 583383 or mob 07949973291
Signed Roy Haley Club Chairman 26/04/2024
*The club will also operate under the requirements of the Welsh Government and the guidance given by the UK & Welsh Croquet Associations regarding playing under the Corona Virus Pandemic conditions.
** Food Hygiene; the club is aware of potential hazards when food is occasionally served on club premises and will ensure full compliance with best practice.
***The defibrillator is fixed to the outside of the croquet clubhouse. Opening code C159
****The First Aid kit and Accident book, (which is attached to the notice board), are in prominent positions, clearly visible in the clubhouse.
*****in the meantime, members will be sent a copy of the H&S Policy and the risk assessment and analysis annually as Appendices to the Constitution sent to all members as part of the AGM documentation in April.)